The models used for NR and DAS/FM in the OMOC prototype OSSE are fraternal twin models, based on the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model HYCOM, which allows flexibility in several model attributes. Specifically, the OMOC twin models have substantially different configurations with different physics and truncation errors, hence called fraternal twins. The NR is performed at 0.04° resolution while the FM is configured on a 0.08° Mercator mesh that consists of every other grid point of the NR mesh to introduce additional truncation errors. More details and the DA procedure are given in Halliwell et al. (2014). A rigorous evaluation comparing OSSEs to reference Observing System Experiments (OSEs) demonstrated that the OSSE system produces valid impact assessments without requiring calibration. Please go here to see details of the OSSE system validation.
Carnes, M., 2009. Description and evaluation of GDEM-V3.0. Naval Research Laboratory Tech. Rep. NRL/MR/7330-09-9165, 21pp.
Halliwell, G.R., A. Srinivasan, V.H. Kourafalou, H. Yang, D. Willey, M. Le Hénaff and R. Atlas, 2014. Rigorous Evaluation of a Fraternal Twin Ocean OSSE System for the Open Gulf of Mexico. J. Atm. Ocean. Techn. 31(1):105-130, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00011.1.